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Donation Program: Partner Level


Partner with us to inspire and equip the next generation of Messianic Jews and Gentiles for a lifetime of Kingdom work. We are Behold! Messianic Jewish Education and we provide quality education resources for Messianic families and congregations.


By partnering with us you are providing the financial backing to accelerate the development of urgently needed resources to provide a firm foundation of faith and discipleship to Yeshua.  


We know you already set aside money for tzedakah (charity) each month and are asking you to designate just $10 a month to help us reach the next generation. Your $10 a month will be faithfully and responsibly used to educate young believers in Torah, discipleship to Yeshua (Jesus), Hebrew and daily faith practice. You will be actively and directly ensuring discipleship to Yeshua is taught and encouraged in these young kids' and teens’ lives.


Partner Perk: One free item from our Behold! Store each year at the anniversary of your subscription start date.*


Current Resources and Accomplishments:

  • Messianic Jewish Learning Maps to guide PreK-12th grade curriculum development (

  • Taught over 100 students in our Sparks of Messiah Online Torah School (

  • Contracted by one of the top Messianic Jewish Synagogues to provide fun, in depth children’s programming for K-6th grade students during the week and Shabbat School.

  • Developed a whole range of free Hebrew learning apps ( to learn the Hebrew prayers.

  • Conduct Special Session Classes to get students ready for the Jewish holidays.

  • Produce a weekly Parshah for Me publication ( to teach about the weekly Torah parsha (portion) and the Messianic Era.

  • Developing a comprehensive curriculum for families and congregations to teach the weekly Torah parshiot (portions) from a Messianic Jewish perspective.


Resources We Would Like To Develop Which Need Your Financial Support:

  • Messianic Era Student Workbook: A full color workbook which will teach Yeshua’s central message of ‘repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.’ Students will get an introduction to what the Messianic Era is, why it was central to Yeshua’s message and what the Messianic Era will be like.

  • Tales of the Apostles Book Series: Full color and durable books with the stories of the Apostles life changing encounters with Yeshua. Young disciples of Yeshua will be inspired by the faith of the early disciples and will be drawn in by their incredible stories.

  • The Way of a Gentile Disciple of Yeshua Online Course: Helping young Messianic Gentiles develop a firm identity in who God made them to be, their place within Messianic Judaism and their discipleship to Yeshua. This course will explore the history of Gentiles within Judaism, the mitzvot (good deeds) which illuminate their daily faith practice, their place within God’s plan of redemption and how to be a disciple of Yeshua.

  • Journey Through The Gospels Timeline Picture Cards and Summary: Families and congregations will be able to teach the Gospel stories in a whole new way with the Journey Through The Gospels Timeline Picture Cards. Each Picture Card will illustrate a Gospel story with an easy to recall picture, basic facts about geographically where the story took place and the Gospel passages which contain the story. The companion Journey Through The Gospels Timeline Summary will offer a short summary of each of the events represented by the Picture Cards. Together these resources will make it fun and easy to learn and recall the faith building stories of the Gospels. 


*Excludes class tuition.

Partner ($10 A Month)

Price Options
$10.00every month until canceled
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